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7 comments to “Melbourne”

  1. #01 By Jane, 140622 at 02:33

    What the hell?? Are you telling me that you took all of these just
    this afternoon? What?? They're amazing! :D

  2. #02 By Bill, 140622 at 18:35

    What wonderful photos Gonzalo! You have made the graffiti
    especially interesting through your expert use of shallow depth of
    field. Love the mopoke owl shots too! You really are great at this

  3. #03 By dense13, 140622 at 21:42

    Thanks guys!

  4. #04 By Natalia (sister), 140622 at 22:27

    Amazing!!! I like specially the photos of the graffiti. What an
    explosion of colours!!! Where is the beautiful sculpture and temple
    under threatening skies? Mua!! You are a crack!!!

  5. #05 By dense13, 140623 at 01:23

    Thank you sis! The temple is in Footscray, to the west of the city.

  6. #06 By Rai, 140623 at 17:53

    Impressive! Really nice work. A bit jealous but happy to see what
    you can do. Looking forward for more and to share some of my latest
    with you. Take care and keep shooting, laughing, travelling and

  7. #07 By dense13, 140623 at 19:14

    Thanks Rai, and for the positive words too!

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