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Posts Tagged ‘milestones’

Whole-Play update

I seem to be a bit stuck on the harmony analysis task, it's been a long time since I started it, and there's still a lot to do. Well, I didn't expect teaching Chuck some harmony would be particularly easy... Read the full text...

Whole-Play: Milestone 1

I've finally completed milestone 1, which brings a feeling of progress, acomplishment and excitement about what's to come. At the same time it's been a bit frustrating, because the results were much better in my mind than what they've actually turned out to be. But then, that makes sense, Whole-Play development is still in its very early stages, so there's no reson to worry and many to be positive and excited! Read the full text...

Whole-Play update

I've been a bit slack lately with Whole-Play, but that's going to be an exception, W-P can't wait!

Today I've closed drumGenerator2, and left it as a test program. Now I'm moving on to something much more exciting and challenging: teaching Chuck some harmony! The new test program I'm working on is called harmonyDetector, and I'm not sure how good it will be, but I'm hoping VERY good. This is forcing me to do two things: find ways to process note/chord data to infer harmony properties, but also think about what harmony is. It's easy to collect the data, but what's a key? What's a root? What's a scale? Believe me, when you put that into a programming language, it's quite tricky!

I'm also going to be working on the first milestone, wich is scheduled for Feb 27th, and will be a more interesting version of drumGenerator2. Did I talk about milestones? Well, because the development of Whole-Play is a long term project, I've set up a few milestones along the way, so I can both keep track of the progress made and enjoy the project. This means that whatever the state of the project, at certain points I'll write a commited program trying to make the most of the current possibilities. I ask myself something in the lines of "If I stopped the Whole-Play development now, what would be the best I coud do with it?". I'll post the results of these milestones here, so it's not all words.

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