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Tags: #Barcelona, #nomad

Bye Barcelona

After a couple of months of having had a base in Barcelona with boomerang trips it's time to hit the road with a one-way ticket, to Hamburg. The sense of finality is interesting, even the packing feels different. This was my idea from the beginning when I left Melbourne, and maybe it's been a bit too long doing other things. No complaints, the last couple of months have been great, filled with beautiful experiences. I feel lots of gratitude, but also a bit stretched and unfocused, as if a bit blurred. And simultaneously there's the well known sadness of leaving so much that I love.

And somehow it all makes perfect sense. :)

Working in Menorca

Riding Hamburg



by James Mansfield on

Safe travels nomad. Live in the moment and enjoy the adventure.

by GtrManBill on

Good thoughts there from James. Peaceful but exciting travels Gonzalo. :)

by Gonzalo on

Thanks guys! At the airport now, got here waaay to early... 7:40 at the airport, perfect 1h work spot. :)

by natalia on

Cool! Why Hamburg if I may ask?

by Jo on

Have a wonderful time in Hamburg Gonzalo. We miss you too ;) But we'll be here whenever you feel like visiting us again (most probably on your way to Antarctica or somewhere hehe)

by GtrManBill on

Ha ha ha! "Antarctica"! Yeah!

by Nata on

Ha sigut genial estar amb tu per Barcelona i Logronyo. Em quedo amb molts bons records i moments genials jugant com nens i amb els nens.

Ha sido genial estar contigo por Barcelona y Logroño, me quedo con muy buenos recuerdos y momentos geniales jugando como niños y con los niños.

It was great to be with you here in Barcelona and Logroño. I keep very good memories and great moments playing as children and with the children.


by Gonzalo on

@natalia: my friend Mycle lives in Hamburg, and we're working on some groovy projects.


by Bea on

Hi dear Gonzalo..I enjoy your photos, and reflections regularly(=often) but am a bit slack about logging in. So here I am, logged in. Ella's here sort of enjoying a day off school..she says Hi. So do I. Gradually I'm building myself a single life..clearing the old is long and slow. A life is not a static form, as you know so well, but a few patterns are comforting. I am trying to develop a few constructive new patterns. Tai chi and drawing are old ones that I'm being rather slack about. Probably this is more suited to an email..never mind, I'll stop now. Love to you, Bea

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