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Nomad Life

As Melbourne winter drew near I started to remember how cold my flat gets, and how little I wanted to unbox my warm clothes. And since my cousin is getting married in Córdoba late June, a exciting idea started to form in my autumn restless brain: let's bypass winter! Last year I skipped the worse of if by going to Thailand in August, maybe this time I could go all the way and spend three months in Europe. Which also means I can catch up with family and friends there, and travel a bit...

...but then a new thought unfolded: what about leaving this open-ended? And an old desire stirred and re-surfaced: what about traveling for some time without an outline, what about a Nomad Life for a while? As soon as that thought became concrete I knew I had to do it. It's hard to know why, my life in Melbourne is great, I love the city and the people I've met, my lifestyle and the experiences I've made, and surely would countinue to make should I choose to stay. But it's one of those situations where things feel Just Right. I've had a few of those by now, and I trust this feeling of certanity more and more. Learning to move from analysis/control to intuition/trust is one of the things I feel very grateful for over the last few years.

So I sold my car and put my things in storage (I want to leave the doors to coming back to Melbourne wide open), and I booked a one way ticket to Barcelona. I remember the feeling of finality as I closed the lock of my storage unit after a very skilled life-sized Tetris session (thanks James!). "This is pretty big".

But the hardest part are all the goodbyes, not knowing if it'll be for a few months or for a much longer time. All the places, all the people, all the things that I love here, today. Any changes, particularly deep changes, always come with a dose of sadness. But also with gratitude on the side: I'm so fortunate to be surrounded by so many wonderful people! I've been in Melbourne for just over two years, which is not such a long time. This was quite a challenge too, and after all this time the amount of lovely/loving people around me remind me of how blessed I have been.

Now it's decided, and I'm ready to go. The bare minimum of planning. An open mind and heart. No goals, one basic principle: let go of control, let each experience run into the next one in free flow.

dense13.com reboot

First stop: Paris, France



by James Mansfield on

Re the help packing - "No worries" as we say in Australia. I'm excited you are exploring the world and a nomadic life which is what I believe we are programmed for primarily. Safe travels Gonzalo!

by Jo on

Good on you Gonzalo. We'll continue to enjoy hearing what you're up to and your thoughts and feelings. As you know, our house is your house, anytime :) xx

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