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Temple Of Darkness (first jam version)

Here's my September game, again for the One Game A Month game jam. The topic was Going Dark, and here's my take on it. Welcome to the Temple Of Darkness!

The process

This month I decided I wanted to do a First Person Shooter. I used to play Doom a lot back in the day, and made a lot maps for it (here's a link to the past, when Presage was alive and kicking). Now that I'm getting a bit better at Unity, I wanted to give this a go, and create a sort of tribute to old-school FPS. I had a few goals with this one:

  • Tackle a new style of game (FPS)
  • Explore random generation of levels (that was fun!)
  • Implement some enemy AI (very basic at this stage)
  • Do something reasonable, considering I was changing hemisphere during this month

The last one I didn't think through enough, and I've had to really rush at the end. Still managed to get a working version that looks pretty decent.

The team

This was my second collaboration with Sarah, after OneShotBall. She has created the music, which totally fits the feel of the game. I really like that the end of the music is what determines the end of the level, I find that very satisfying. :)

The future

I will continue to work on this one, I've been having a lot of fun! There's a few things I definitely plan to add:

  • More enemies and weapons.
  • A menu. :) Including some settings, like quality and controls.
  • Some more 'structure', as you progress through the levels.

And maybe:

  • Write better enemy AI
  • Improve the level generator
  • Add health and ammo pickups, maybe also powerups
  • Add a few more animations

But we'll see, I make no promises. ;)

Adjusting an ortographic camera to fit the screen width in Unity

ToD October update

GameDev blog


It's oh, so quiet...

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