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Tomakin Beach


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7 comments to “Tomakin Beach”

  1. #01 By Jane, 080801 at 23:02

    Guay foto Gonzalo, especialmente con la chica tan guapa ;)

  2. #02 By dense13, 080803 at 13:47

    Estoy 100% de acuerdo! :) La verdad es que poder disfrutar de días como ese en pleno invierno es un lujo.

  3. #03 By Bill, 080818 at 18:45

    Yes indeed...Even though the model in he photograph is exquisite, I
    feel that the picture is missing one fundamentally important
    element: Bill in a bathing costume. That would bring home the full
    magnificence of an Australian beach scene...

  4. #04 By dense13, 080818 at 20:31

    Or: Bill riding a kangaroo, throwing his boomerang, the Australian weapon of choice. If you like, also in a bathing costume. ;)

  5. #05 By Bill, 080819 at 21:31

    Wow! Can't wait for that one! That idea is good enough for a blog
    of its own! ;)

  6. #06 By dense13, 080819 at 22:11

    Bill, I really think we should start working on that Neighbors off-shoot, something that describes the real essence of the aussie way of life. The kangaroo scene could be great for the opening credits. With a country version of Waltzing Matilda in the background. ;)

  7. #07 By Bill, 080821 at 20:44

    "Waltzing Matilda"?!! "Waltzing Matilda"????!!!!!!!!!!
    AAAARRRGGHHH!!!! I just love that song! OK then -
    YOU sing it!! ;p

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