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Dolphin spotting

El pasado fin de semana aproveché el buen tiempo para irme de dolphin spotting por Surf Beach, o sea a la caza (fotográfica por supuesto) de delfines. Saqué algunas fotos y un vídeo, espero que os gusten. Además, siempre hablo de los bichos peligrosos de Australia, y hay que compensar un poco. Aunque si queréis, tengo un nuevo episodio con una araña enorme...

PD: Felicidades Nat! :)

Spam en los comentarios de WordPress

Qué pesadez lo del spam, cada vez recibo más y más comentarios en el blog creados por bots de spam. No es muy grave, porque antes tienen que pasar moderación, y nunca llegan al blog en sí, pero sí es pesado tener que borrarlos, además de una pérdida de tiempo innecesaria.

Así que me he quitado la pereza de encima y he buscado un plugin que me eche una manita. Mi elección por ahora es el plugin Peter’s Math Anti-Spam. Ahora al añadir un comentario se podrán a prueba vuestras matemáticas... ;)

Nueva home

Por fin he cambiado la home de dense13.com, algo que quería hacer desde que arranqué el blog. Espero que ahora resulte más atractiva, y sobre todo que sea más amigable para los visitantes de perfil no técnico. Se aceptan todo tipo de sugerencias y críticas.

Aprovecho para comentar que el contenido del blog ahora mismo es principalmente técnico, pero pretendo añadir posts más generales para los que tenéis interés en Gonzalo y no tanto en sus aventuras informáticas. A fin de cuentas dense13.com es mi web personal, y no me gustaría que se limitara a ser un blog para informáticos.

Whole-Play update

I haven't updated for a while, partly because I've been too busy with web work. That doesn't mean Whole-Play development has stopped. It's been a bit slower than I would have wanted, but regular nevertheless.

I keep on working on the Harmony Analyser, which is looking better every week. I think I've been trying too hard to be too precise with it - two too's are too many ;) - and I'm not sure that's a good strategy. It might not be possible, and even if it is, I'd better get something practical going, and leave refinement (or re-designing) for further stages of the project. So today I went to have a cappuccino and a lemon & coconut muffin at the Surf Beach cafe (sounds relaxing for a Sunday morning, doesn't it?), and did some brainstorming, trying to get more specific on what I'm trying to achieve in terms of harmony. I think I've got a better direction now, and I'm ready to start trying out its posssibilities. My aim is to meet the deadline for Milestone 2, which is May 13th.

Also I managed to find a very annoying bug I had introduced a few weeks ago that was driving me crazy, so I'm happy. :)

DynamicToolbar plugin for FCKEditor

DynamicToolbar is a plugin for FCKEditor that allows you to create custom toolbars on-the-fly, without the need to use configuration files. This won't be necessary once FCKEditor reaches v3.0, but for the moment, here's a quick and easy solution. Read the full text...

Actualizado a WordPress 2.5

Acabo de actualizar el blog a WordPress 2.5, lo cual ha resultado ser relativamente sencillo y sin grandes dolores de cabeza. Lo absurdo del tema es que nada ha cambiado en la web, o sea que básicamente he perdido la última media hora. Al menos ahora puedo usar el nuevo administrador, que es mucho más elegante y amistoso. La gestión de archivos multimedia parece haber mejorado mucho, tendré que investigarlo. Y ya no tendré que ver más el recordatorio "You are using an old version of WordPress, please upgrade". :)

Por cierto que éste es mi 13º post, qué simbólico...

Destacar los comentarios del autor del blog en WordPress

Si estás creando tu propio tema o modificando uno, es muy fácil destacar los comentarios del autor del blog, por ejemplo con un color de fondo distinto. Read the full text...

Whole-Play: Milestone 1

I've finally completed milestone 1, which brings a feeling of progress, acomplishment and excitement about what's to come. At the same time it's been a bit frustrating, because the results were much better in my mind than what they've actually turned out to be. But then, that makes sense, Whole-Play development is still in its very early stages, so there's no reson to worry and many to be positive and excited! Read the full text...

Redirecting non-www to www with .htaccess

If you want to redirect all non-www requests to your site to the www version, all you need to do is add the following code to your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

This will redirect any requests to http://my-domain.com to http://www.my-domain.com. There are several benefits from doing that: Read the full text...

How to display code fragments in web pages

Since in this blog I'll be writing about JavaScript, XHTML, CSS and other languages, I was wondering which would be the best way to display code fragments in a web page. Obviously each fragment will go inside a CODE element, but there's other things I'd like to implement:

  1. When the page is displayed without CSS, I'd like the code fragment to have a decent formatting.
  2. I'd like to add a sort of caption to each code block, to add things like "add this to your .css file" (see the code fragments below as an example).

And of course, I'd like to do it with the cleanest possible XHTML. Let's go! Read the full text...

Additional content and navigation


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