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White hole presentation

After finishing Cataclysm, a good friend suggested that I take a little break before embarking on a new project, let it sit and do its thing for a while. That seemed very good advice, and was indeed.

Two weeks later I couldn't help myself :), and had to start something new. Welcome White hole. It's again a bit of an odd project, the quirk here being that each composition has to be under one minute long, what I term micro-compositions. The other ingredient in the project is that the music is scritcly electronic: no acoustic, electric or sampled instruments can be used.

The motivation behind the project is a double exploration:

  • What does it mean for me to write electronic music? This is new territory, and not necesseraily one that I was inclined to explore by nature. But I'm very curious, and I also think this can open new paths and ideas for Whole-Play.
  • What's my compositional approach for such short pieces? Particularly in terms of form and development (but it might also raise other interests as it unfolds).

There's no time planning here, so I might write often or not. This also needs to find its time amongst various other projects, so it's hard to predict what rhythm will it take.

The first episode is ready: The other side awaits you!

Reunion in Sevilla



It's oh, so quiet...

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