
Purposes of this section:

ˇ Preserve my entire collection of Doom sp demos and put them available.
ˇ Record new demos.
ˇ Encourage other people to record demos of any kind, no matter which their playing skill is.
ˇ Upload some of the Présage deathmatch demos, and also write a brief review of the maps they were made on. The dm section will probably be updated monthly.

The page is mainly meant as a personal database, so other people's demos will have no room here (other pages are made for that). Besides, I must point out that so far most of my demos have been uploaded at the Doomed Speed Demos Archive, so I find no reason why I should stop submitting them to Doug's page.

Abbreviations used in the demos tables:

max: 100% kills and secrets
spd: speedrun
fast: using the -fast parameter
nomo: using the -nomonsters parameter
ty: tyson mode (only weapons 1 and 2 allowed)
re: reality mode (not getting hurt at all)
nm: skill 5
#x: other skill different than 4 or 5
pa: pacifist mode (hurting monsters is forbidden)
tas: tool assisted demo
t: using the -turbo parameter
mc: The Mole's mini-contests demo
wch: wheelchaired mode (no strafing)
lmg: lemming mode (exit with the most monsters alive)
cer: Cervantes mode (mouse-only, no keys allowed)
mov: movie

All the single player demos will be permanently available in three different zips, so that our hosted site section of the Review Center does not become a mess with dozens and dozens of demo files. If you're interested on any particular demo/s, you can 1) ask for them (and I'll be pleased to post them to you via e-mail), or 2) donwload them directly from the DSDA.

Latest updates:

vc_003.zip (not yet)
vc_002.zip (not yet)
vc_001.zip - 010929

Archive - 010929

Pwad demos, A to G section
Pwad demos, H to R section
Pwad demos, S to Z section